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A B Infra IPO : Welcome

A B infra build company has propelled the IPO worth of Rs 12.84 crore. The Issue began on 28 June 2019 and shut on third July 2019. It comprises of 44,28,000 value shares just for the new issue. The A B Infra build has reported the face value, Market lot, Order quantity, Issue type and different subtleties of AB Infra build IPO.

A B Infra build IPO Details:

Initial public offering Open Date – Closing Date:  June 28, 2019 – July 3, 2019

Initial public offering Type:   Fixed Price Issue IPO

Issue Size:  4,428,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 (Aggregating up to Rs 12.48 cr)

New Issue: 4,428,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 (Aggregating up to Rs 12.48 cr)

Face Value:  Rs 10 Per Equity Share

Issue Price:  Rs 29 for every Equity Share

Market Lot:  4000 Shares

Min Order Quantity:  4000 Shares

Posting At: NSE SME

AB Infra build company has accompanied an IPO of 4,428,000 value portions of Rs. 10 presumptive worth. It is the fixed value sort of IPO. Stomach muscle I Company has just set the value band of Rs. 29.00 per value share. The Markey Lot of the ABIL is 4000 offers and different with consequently from that point. ABIL has proposed to be recorded on the NSE SME stage. Imprint Corporate Advisors Pvt. Ltd would lead the Offer. From an aggregate of 4,428,000 value shares, 42,04,000 offers assigned for Retail and different speculators at Rs. 29.00 per value share. Staying 2,24,000 offers saved for the Market Maker divide.

Objects of the Issue:

1.To meet the Working Capital Requirements

2.General Corporate Purposes

AB I Promoter Holding:

Pre-Issue Share Holding:      90.99%

Post Issue Share Holding:     59.19%

AB Infra build IPO Registrar:

Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd,

first Floor, Bharat Tin Works Building,

Opp. Vasant Oasis, Makwana Road,

Marol, Andheri(E), Mumbai – 400 059

Telephone: +91-22-6263 8200



About the Company:

A B infra build company has been giving the Road Over Bridge and Foot Over Bridge administrations. It additionally offers different types of assistance, for example, Railway Infrastructures, Track Formation, Civil and Structural Works, New Railway lines. It comprises of 52% of requests with western Railway.

Disclaimer: This article tends to only data about the plan. It doesn't offer any guidance or venture tips to speculators. MF speculations are set to showcase chance. If it's not too much trouble counsel your money related counselor before contribute.

A B Infra IPO : About

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